Stadium Batting Cage Turf Rolls (30 oz Nylon)

Introducing our premium batting cage turf roll. This turf is constructed with high-quality 30oz nylon and designed with durability in mind, making it perfect for sports facilities and high-use community or school batting cages.


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Our green Stadium Batting Cage Turf is perfect for the most demanding conditions. Stadium turf is a nylon artificial turf product, making it one of the most durable options on the market. This turf is great for busy sports facilities and complexes and perfect for players and teams who are going to really put it to use. Stadium is made to hold up in extremely high traffic areas while suffering little wear. It holds up to the demands of rigorous, every day cage use, all while looking great. 15′ rolls are available in 35′, 55′ & 70′ lengths for batting cages.


Padded, Unpadded

Length35'L, 55'L, 70'L, Custom
Face Weight30 oz.
Yarn TypeNylon
Height1/2 in
Backing5mm polyurethane foam or Unpadded latex
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