JW Industries Aluminum Bleachers

JW Bleachers with aisle & risers, 10 rows

JW Industries aluminum bleachers are IBC code compliant in all 50 states with high-quality, high-tensile aluminum alloy seat planks.


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The JW Difference means quality up & down

JW Industries aluminum bleachers are IBC code compliant in all 50 states.

Colors on raisers (115-405-219) available in white, green yellow, orange, purple, blue, black, red, and burgundy. ($9/ft — minimum 100ft per order)

If you need ADA compliant (American Disabilities Act)for accessibility & integrated seating, please contact us for a quote.

Dolly kit, Engraving, Double Footboard, Tip’n’Roll Kit also available.

NOTE: This item is delivered via commercial motor freight carrier. Please keep in mind that a fork lift, loading dock or lift gate service may be required for the delivery of this item. Additional charges apply if lift gate is needed to unload.

Due to the fluctuation in the aluminum market, prices for aluminum bleachers are subject to change. For accurate pricing, please call for a price quote or click the link below to submit your inquiry. For efficient, economical shipping some assembly will be required on site. Be sure when ordering that the bleachers you are purchasing comply with local building codes. Call for custom bleacher options, 800-747-5985.

JW Industries aluminum bleachers are code compliant in ALL 50 states
Lightweight aluminum construction
High-quality, high-tensile aluminum alloys
Galvanized steel bases
Corrosion-resistant, maintenance-free
12-yr warranty

with aisle, with aisle & risers


3 rows, 5 rows, 10 rows


19'W, 32 seats, 19'W, 52 seats, 19'W, 102 seats, 25'W, 44 seats, 25'W, 72 seats, 25'W, 142 seats, 31'W, 56 seats, 31'W, 92 seats, 31'W, 182 seats

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