Universal Batting Cage

Economic, smart solution for backyards, youth leagues, high schools, or colleges. One of the most versatile batting cage on the market. Easy installation makes this a flexible fit for any facility or backyard.


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An affordable option for various applications — backyards, youth facilities, high schools, colleges. The Universal Batting Cage comes with various ground sleeves: standard (PVC), premium steel, or above ground base plates. The base plate option makes the universal cage a free-standing structure, so it’s a great option indoors for dome facilities or non-traditional structures.

This cage comes with our high-quality #36 gauge nylon netting with a flap door on the side, making it versatile enough for any outdoor or indoor space. This batting cage kit comes complete with piping, netting, ground sleeves and all the hardware needed. Installation is easy and it’s ready to go for hitting (35′), softball (55′) or baseball (70′). (SN7400)

Premium #36 netting with flap door and baffle backdrop
12-gauge galvanized steel piping (1-5/8" outside diameter)
Batting cage pipe fittings
Spring clips & cage hanger kit
Ground sleeves included
Available in three lengths 35', 55', 70'
Flap door on the side for easy entry (positioned behind a right-handed hitter)
Ground Sleeves

Standard (PVC), Premium Steel, Above Ground Base Plates

Dimensions14'W x 12'H with length of either 35'L, 55'L, or 70'L
Ground Sleeve OptionsStandard (PVC), Premium Steel, Above Ground Base Plates
NettingPremium #36 nylon net
Pipes12-gauge galvanized steel, 1-5/8" OD
EntrySide flap door in netting
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