Beacon X-Drag Hand Nail Drag

Ideal for scarifying baselines, cutouts and home plate areas

The best scarifying tool. Ideal for working the baselines, cutouts and home plate areas. Choose between the X-drag only or the X Drag with Field Weight Kit  (four 7 lbs weights) to adjust on the fly to your infield’s conditions and match your scarifying needs perfectly.


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Adapt on the fly. Match any field condition with the best scarifying tool for baselines, cutouts and home plate areas. Change direction by simply changing where the tow rope connectsMultiple rope connections means you can easily switch from 3′ wide or 2′ wide to fit where you need to be.  That means the X-Drag can easily fit between the three-foot line and the foul line on the first base baseline.

Choose between the X-drag only or X-Drag with Field Weights to reach the right level of aggressiveness based on moisture and infield material conditions.

Scarify baselines, cutouts and home plate areas
Pull in either 3'W or 2'W direction to easily fit down your baselines
Optional Field Weight Kit gives you the control you need to always match your infield's conditions
Weight30 lbs

3' x 2'

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