6-inch Mound

We recommend the 6″ pitching mound as a 12′ diameter circle due to the size and stride of the pitchers throwing off this mound. This is different than the rule book recommendation of a 10′ diameter mound.

The center is located 45′ from the apex of home plate along an invisible line from the apex through the center of 2nd base. The front, center edge of the pitching rubber is located 46′ from the apex of home plate along this same line.

The top face of the pitching rubber should be elevated 6″ above home plate to ensure the proper slope on the front landing area. The front slope of the mound is a uniform 1 inch drop for every 1 foot towards home plate, beginning 4″ in front of the pitching rubber.

If desired, bagged clay or unfired clay brick can be added to the table and front slope of the mound to reduce digout and improve footing. This clay layer should be 2½” to 3″ deep since only rubber cleats are allowed at this level.

Table: APPROXIMATE VOLUME of DuraEdge blocks or DuraPitch / Blackstick clay

6-inch Mound Profile